Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Laying witness through weddings

The glow on the faces of the new young couple as I finished the benediction reminded me of the glow on Moses’ face when he would come out of the tent of meeting with the Lord. Then a first: both bride and groom bowed almost to the ground three times before they turned to make their exit. God is obviously working in this couple: Mas and Aya.
From my doctoral research, I know it takes an average of 15 memorable contacts with the gospel for a Japanese person to come to Christ. Some of the participants in my research mention that one of those memorable gospel contacts for them was through a Christian wedding. I am sure that God is working in not only some of the couples I tie the knot for, but also some of their family and friends.
I am grateful to God for the privilege of serving Him this way—and it definitely helps supplement our support.