Thursday, August 06, 2009

We really were encouraged and felt God's love through His people in Evansville, Indiana, Mary Jo's hometown. What a great group of brothers and sisters and we pray God will bless them immensely as they contemplate starting 3 new churches all around the world and reach the local neighborhood through the Edge service--Go for it!!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It was great to see so many friends from the past two church planting networks as well as some neighborhood friends the other night. They came to say goodbye and see if we were selling any stuff they could use. As a result we only have 3 items left to sell!!! Thank you very much!
God is doing so many things to help and encourage us as we pack, say goodbye, and prepare in many other ways for our upcoming trip to America. Thank you for your prayers!

Japanese wedding grand finale

Today I performed my last wedding in Japanese in awhile. I have really seen God work through these ceremonies both with the couples getting married and some of the musicians and staff I have worked with. What a joy to see some enter into an eternal relationship with the Living Christ and for others to embark on the road to knowing Him who has sought them! In the picture above the lady on the far right told me she just got baptized and wants to attend one of the churches we've been workign with. The other two are thinking about joining her through a number of conversations we've had between weddings.

In the top photo, the lady on the far left asked me today for the contact missionary of one of our missionaries who is teaching conversational English and English Bible study at a church planting location. She told me she wants to attend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Laying witness through weddings

The glow on the faces of the new young couple as I finished the benediction reminded me of the glow on Moses’ face when he would come out of the tent of meeting with the Lord. Then a first: both bride and groom bowed almost to the ground three times before they turned to make their exit. God is obviously working in this couple: Mas and Aya.
From my doctoral research, I know it takes an average of 15 memorable contacts with the gospel for a Japanese person to come to Christ. Some of the participants in my research mention that one of those memorable gospel contacts for them was through a Christian wedding. I am sure that God is working in not only some of the couples I tie the knot for, but also some of their family and friends.
I am grateful to God for the privilege of serving Him this way—and it definitely helps supplement our support.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Friends Visit from Tokyo - Mike
We were happy and excited to hear from our old friends from Tokyo days, M/M Sa. They were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and wanted to visit us. Yeah! We were only able to have half a day together but the Lord packed it with some great fellowship! Here we are after enjoying a great dinner together at Daikon no Hana (Radish Flower) which boasts over 80 different vegetable dishes. Delicious and healthy at the same time! Our dear friends asked if this restaurant chain extends to Tokyo where they live but were told unfortunately it's only in Okinawa.
Both T and S Sa participated in my research. They have helped many come to know the Savior and Hope of the World. They are praying we won't have to leave Japan before planned.
Before we ate dinner we all had the unusual experience of being nibbled on!
God bless our dear friends and God bless you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Henza Island Combined Outreach

We planned to take a team from California out to Henza Island to make friends with and share Christ's love with a whole middle school. But God had bigger plans. He brought teams from Guam and Hawaii to work together with the California team and the result was awesome. We pray the sweet aroma of Christ will bear lasting fruit for God's glorious Kingdom soon. See a short video of some of the teams' activities